
Month three — halfway through; another review:

Anki wasn’t that great (stats) but at least still better than in the first month — and I finally got around doing some badly needed maintenance on my deck. Apart from Japanese study, slow but steady progress across the board. Nothing to complain. :)

Again, an attempt to convince myself that I’m actually making good use of my time here:

  • general
    • was at a sentō on christmas eve; on the way back I heard a girl’s voice from a near high-rise building 「サンタ様ー!来てくださーい!」 :3
    • was shocked to learn that Japan introduced compulsory wearing of seat belts for rear passangers in 2008 and there’s no penalty for non expressway roads °_°
    • rode my bycicle to work, passed a ママチャリ and thought I heard a 「ウゥウゥウイッ!地震です!」 — but there was a kid on the back of the ママチャリ gaming away on some handheld console so I could’ve misheard some game sounds. Stopped anyway to see what happens — nothing happened so I concluded it was some game. Turned out it actually was an earthquake alarm.
    • saw the last Jedi
    • was in Niigata
    • had a very Japanese New Year with 紅白, 年越しそば, 雑煮, 初詣 and 駅伝 — sneaked in a German tradition with Dinner for One
    • watched the entire かるた名人・クイーン戦 live on ニコ動
    • visited the Tokyo Saitama flood prevention underground thingy
    • I’m finally getting back into sports after a 5 month break due to an injury
  • at the institute
    • had a bit of fun with face recognition and line detection (OCR)
    • doing a lot of very conceptual work at the moment
    • the elevetors sometimes say 「お待たせしました」 and 「どうぞお乗りください」

All in all, satisfactory. Oh and the constant feeling that I could/should do more is gone. (:

On to the next month!
