
Two months in Japan; another review:
I feel like I’ve reached a solid base on which to build upon in a lot of aspects. After selling my DSLR prior to coming to Japan in order to switch to a more portable system I finally bought a new camera. I’ve received my first scholarship money resulting in me financially operating from my Japanese bank account instead of my German credit card. A larger project which is part of my master’s course at the University of Freiburg is finally finished leaving me with more free time. I’ve kind of sort of developed a food routine or rotation of different foods for mornings and evenings. And probably most important of all: social connections start to feel real. The 体操部 (gymnastics club) people are happy each time I join their training, the boardgames meeting I’ve attended once so far looks promising and tandem language learning is fun as always. :)
A few random highlights: I ate whale meat, managed to corrupt my Ubuntu system and had to set up a new one, had fun at Halloween, am getting into Geocaching and competed at a settlers of catan tournament. All in all, a bunch of positive developments.
On to the next month!