
Month four — one thrid left; review:
Anki ok. Sport insufficient. Here’s the interesting stuff:
- general
- 餃子 and stuff from オリジン found their way into my food routine
- helped a crying little boy out in the street find his mum
- witnessed the following manifestation of cuteness:
3 small kids, two of them in bear costumes, waiting for the train with their mum
announcement for the next train to come in a few minutes: 「…。この電車は10両です。」
kids: 「10秒?10!9!8!…」
but there was no train when they reached 0. :’D - was stopped by police for riding my bike at night without a light (mount is loose, I support it w/ rubber bands, that day the bands ripped on my way to work so I put they light in my bag); they were extremely nice — had a good chat
- got the Dogen approved verification that my Japanese it about as good as that of a native first grader — was asked 「長いんですか?日本は」 by abovementioned policemen and the next day when getting my hair cut :3
- saw a performance of the 東京都立青梅総合高等学校 和太鼓部 which was awesome
- spent almost a week in Kyōto and two nights in Nagoya
- the local sentō had a “chocolate bath” (cacao butter mixed into the water) around valentine’s day which was geat ^_^
- saw a few people from Matsuyama again while they were in Tōkyō
- a bug I found* in Pokemon GO got some coverage by blogs/YouTube channels
following how the story spread from a dedicated subreddit to more and more general sites was quite interesting — especially low effort “news posts” that got things wrong were amusing
(*to be precise I found something that works on some devices and a fellow redditor found a variation that works on all devices)
- at the institute
- the conceptual stuff I mentioned last time is finally done and got some good feedback
- was able to integrate learning a few neat new Flask related things into my work
- stumbled upon a PhD thesis titled The Presentation of Self on a Decentralised Web — can I please take a week off from life and explore this?
- got into and am getting back out of eating dinner somewhere close to work to then head back and work some more
- the elevators say 「おはようございます」 at 8:26 a.m. — so maybe the interval is from 8 to 9?
Good times. More.
On to the next month!