
One year in Japan; a last review:
My last month in Japan began during a trip to Tokyo. I couchsurfed again and had 3 awesome hosts over 8 days. I went to Ueno park several times because of the ridiculous Pokemon Go situtaion, climed Mt. Fuji (great view from the top, also a gym at station 9), hung around with two Taiwanese friends, went to Enoshima and attended Comiket.
The last 3 weeks I lived in a share house, did some translation/localization work as an alternative to paying rent and continued the series of farewell events and meetups. I also finally got my JLPT N2 result. Passed with a score of 140/180. :)
Looking back at the year as a whole: very much worth it. Set out to improve my Japanese, did just that and made a bunch of good memories. As for Japan, the pros (respectful people, safe, fascinating contemporary and ancient culture, no tipping, …) outweigh the cons (vacuous positivity, non-existent insulation of buildings, overdone collectivism, pricy, …) for me. I’ll definitely go again some time.
On to the … oh wait. :(