Arch and Wacom

Arch Linux! Wacom! W00t! <3 :D
Okay … one thing at a time … After a good year of using Ubuntu I now switched to Arch Linux. The reason being that I’ll be forced to build a system fitting to my needs.
Thanks to the great beginner’s guide on I managed to set up a basic system pretty fast and I didn’t even run into that much problems. ^^ At the moment I’m using awesome as a window manager — which, btw, is absolutely doing justice to its name —, emelFM2 as my filemanager (also a great component), sxiv for viewing images and apart from that the common stuff that I already used before … Firefox, VLC, GIMP, XAMPP, etc.
The thing that caused the most problems so far and, additionally, the second topic in this blog entry, is my new Wacom Bamoo Pen tablet. I chose a Wacom tablet because I knew about the Linux Wacom Project. Unfortunately the tablet I got is a relatively new model and isn’t yet supported by the standard linuxwacom package you get from the repositories. Thus I had to use a package from the AUR, patch it and manually change some stuff — which I managed to do because of the great help I got from some guys from : )
So … I now got a new, awesome system and a nice drawing tablet. The only thing I’m missing now is drawing skills. :D But that’s fine, I got the tablet mainly for postprocessing of photos and doing stupid things on imageboards. ^^