28 hour day

I recently stumbled upon xkcd’s comic on the idea of a 28-Hour Day. Having been interested in polyphasic sleep for a long time (without ever trying) and this being similar, I checked whether or not it would work out with my current situation of temporally fixed obligations throughout the week. Turned out that there would be very little overlap (blue=sleep, green=obligation). And the two cases where a lecture falls at the very end of a day … just schedule two/three hours of sleep before that, right?
Wrong. Instead of extending my day by 4 hours per sleep/wake cycle I ended up with 3.5, 0.5, 2.5 … -6. Friday, 1:30 a.m. I was super tired after having been awake for a mere 7 hours, went to bed and slept for 8 hours straight. This is how the whole week turned out. More like a rubber band that I stretched a bit than the intended wrapping around over the course of a week.
Lesson learned: if you sleep a lot anyways (8-9 hours per night in my case), the 28 hour day may not be for you. ^_^