漢字 — 300+

God mode activated. :)
Exactly one month ago I wrote 「漢字 — 200+」 and since then addded 280 new words using 100 new kanji to my Anki deck. That means I learned more than nine words per day — which is pretty awesome compared to what I did before.
Looking at my Anki stats: I learned every day and added new vocab on 25 of 30 days. On average I review 115 cards in 52 minutes. I require additional time to find new kanji, create mnemonics, find useful new vocab using those kanji, etc. So I guess it’s reasonable to assume that I spend about 1.5 hours a day on Japanese vocab. Doesn’t sound like an awful lot of time and yet the benefit is quite awesome. :)
The most important thing to note is, that I really made it a habit to go through all due Anki cards in the morning/early afternoon, add new kanji in the evening and go through these a bit later. If you’re used to it, it’s no burden.
Further changes in my learning approach: I use Tagaini Jisho a lot more than before. And I more often use word frequency lists to find new useful vocab. Apart from that … I sometimes find it useful to not sit in from of my computer with all its distractions when learning, so I use AnkiWeb on my Kindle which works fine.
As always, for the sake of documentation, these are the kanji I know so far.