漢字 — 200+

Whew … at last. Turns out a lot of free time doesn’t seem to be the best thing for my learning efforts. I tend to approach other time consuming stuff that wouldn’t be possible alongside lectures and end up having a hard time keeping up with making progress with my Japanese. D:
Looking at my Anki stats for the last month: the mostly hidden larger gap responsible for that first huge bar was a 5 day trip to Munic for a parkour jam, next gap was a spontaneous programming project iirc (something that doesn’t show up in my Google calendar at least) and the third gap was Ludum Dare 27, a video game development competition.
Anyway: what I’m experimenting with right now is different methods for choosing which kanji to learn next. For some time I sticked with the JLPT kanji listed here, but it seems to take me longer and longer to find good candidates. I consider switching to going through easy reading material online and adding stuff I don’t know yet. Another option would be using some frequency list.
Apart from that everything’s going well. Creating mnemonics is still fun. :) Oh and when learning with Anki I now write out readings in katakana instead of hiragana from time to time — helps preventing that I forget those bastards. :D
Again, for the sake of documentation, these are the kanji I know so far.