漢字 — 500+

On and on it goes … 97 kanji and 253 words since the last post.
I was quite surprised that I missed the ‘100 kanji per month’ mark by just one day (and just one kanji, acutally — I was at 499 yesterday). Anyway, everything good, no changes as for how I learn and here are my Anki stats.
Gammar! After I finished my “grammar rush” I stated a “re rush”. Turned out to be a good strategy so far. No idea what I will do after that though. Maybe start with writing full texts instead of single sentences. Maybe focus on speaking and reduce the time I spent on writing for a while … we’ll see.
Oh and the guys from Lang-8 (where I’ll write my 100th entry today) are super nice! I found a vulnerability on their site, reported it and they gave me one year premium for my account. :3
As always, for the sake of documentation, these are the kanji I know so far.