
Month six — two thrids done; one to go.

Going by the initial schedule this would’ve been my fifth day back in Germany. Glad I still have time to enjoy Japan now that it’s finally not cold anymore. Maybe it’ll be sick of the heat and humidity in July making it easier to go. ^_^

As always, stuff happened:

  • general
    • bought a 座椅子
    • enjoyed a sunny Saturday in 隅田公園, sitting on a stone wall reading a book, and saw three old ladies looking for somewhere to sit, so moved a bit to the side. Continuing my book I was handed a piece of 唐揚げ, two pieces of sushi and a some 和菓子 — no small talk or questions, just 「はい。昼ご飯です。」. :’D
    • started making my own 弁当 as a change to caffeteria food
    • visited かなまら祭り which was great fun
    • was able to see some of the people that, through their videos, introduced me to Japan before I came here the first time over two years ago, irl at a YouTube hanami
    • lots of nice new people at the share house
    • had my first 馬刺し — tasty :)
  • at the institute
    • started developing a piece of software that interacts with an application being developed by an external developer — both projects being in a prototype phase and the whole thing being orchestrated by my superviser. As a result I’m reading and writing a lot of Japanese e-mails — more 敬語 practice. orz

On to the next month!
