漢字 — 1800+

101 kanji, 231 words, 36 days; Anki stats, kanji so far.
Less than 45 days was doable. :)
I’m considering to stop seaching for new kanji/vocab each day and repurpose that time for focussed reading practice, collecting new kanji/vocab on the way. This would, I expect, slow down my kanji progress significantly. But I feel that I’ve reached a point where the hassle of blindly seaching for new words to learn, solely for the purpose of getting those damn 常用漢字 done isn’t really worth it anymore.
When reading Japanese it isn’t the kanji that hold me back, it’s grammar, phrases, compounds, etc. I presume simply reading a lot while looking up the stuff I don’t understand will benefit my reading comprehension way better than continuing what I’ve done up until now. Everything new I come across this way will have the huge benefit of being learned with a context — which is kind of taking my ‘learn kanji in the context of words’ approach one step further: ‘learn vocab and grammar in the context of continuous text’.