
Month two of only six this time; another review:

I did better with Anki this month (stats); even managed to stoll through 神保町, grab a second hand book (日本語雑記帳) and read from time to time. Still … my deck needs some maintenance, I want to add more new vocab, read more, etc. I took part in events, explored new places and worked a bit on personal projects. Still … I feel I could do more. Maybe being aware that there’s soo much going on around me constantly, resutls in a fear of missing out on great chances. But it’s not just that. Regardless of the specifics of what’s going on around me, I’d like to do more — more than I currently can do with the limited amount of productive time per day. On the bright side, that’s a least better than not knowing what to do with myself.

Again, a collection of noteworthy and/or random things:

  • general
    • the 漢字ミュージアム in Kyōto is nice — you can do mini 漢検 samples
      (I seem to be able to pass 6級 and 5級, but 4級 and 3級 were so so)
    • ゲームマーケット2017秋 had a real life Catan trading and in general was super fun
    • Agricola seems to be popular among board game enthusiasts here
      (a local meetup I attended was almost exclusively Agricola, played one round)
    • at ポタフェス2017 I was able to experience the Sennheiser HE 1
      (kind of … didn’t have the time to really choose music, was in a noisy environment, etc.)
    • Open Space 2017 at the NTT ICC was good fun
    • CJK Unicode shenanigans
  • at the institute
    • wrote a small flask web application that is now used in production, hosted by the NII
    • the elevators don’t say 「本日はご苦労様でした」 when you get out way after 5 p.m.
    • the elevators say 「おはようございます」 at 8:50 a.m. — need further data to estimate a time frame for that
    • attended NTCIR 13 sporadically; chatted with some Yahoo! guys

All in all, a lot of good stuff. But MOAR WANT. TOO MUCH WANT.

On to the next month!
