
Month seven — two more to go. Quick review:
This month felt a bit packed. A lot of nice output and interesting input though. So all in all good progress — I only wish there was more time to get hyped about upcoming and let sink in recently experienced stuff.
Anyway, I/O:
- general
- saw 琵琶湖 and 近江神宮
- got out a new chapter of my うぶんちゅ! translation
- was at ニコニコ超会議2018 — for work, actually; kind of
- attended ゲームマーケット and COMITIA
- had a great time at the Tokyo Mechanical Keyboard Meetup Vol. 4
- at the institute
- writing businessy e-mails in Japanese gets easier and easier
- was working on and with two web applications that more or less are the backend for a larger project which had to reach a presentable state until today. The whole thing having several interdependent people, parts and working steps involved and being interdisciplinary is interesting, really. But it’s also waaay more draining that just building something on your own.
Hoping for some less I/O heavy times in the coming days.
On to the next month!