漢字 — 2000+

99 kanji, 575 words, 489 days; Anki stats, kanji so far.
Whew… Haven’t done one of these in a loong time. Who would’ve tought I’d actually reach 2000 … In my first kanji progress post, 100+, I wrote “there will — hopefully — be a total of 21 of these in the end” — I’m really not sure I’ll ever get to 2100. Since realizing at 1800+ that new kanji as a main focus isn’t worth it anymore, it took me 115 days to get the first 100 on top of that and now 489 days for the second. If factor of increase in time stayed the same I’d reach 2100 in August 2022. ^_^
Quite the deviation from my extrapolations at 1000+, where I took a closer look at what I had leared so far. Here’s the same thing for the present situation:
Additional data: [values from 1000+]
- Grade 1: 80 of 80 (100.0%) [100.0%]
- Grade 2: 160 of 160 (100.0%) [100.0%]
- Grade 3: 200 of 200 (100.0%) [88.0%]
- Grade 4: 200 of 200 (100.0%) [64.0%]
- Grade 5: 185 of 185 (100.0%) [55.1%]
- Grade 6: 178 of 181 (98.3%) [51.4%]
- JuniorHS: 775 of 934 (83.0%) [21.6%]
- 2000 total unique kanji [1002]
- Jōyō: 1910 of 2136 (89.4%) [45.7%]
- Jinmeiyō (regular): 66 of 641 (10.3%) [3.1%]
- Jinmeiyō (variant): 1 of 145 (0.7%) [0%]
- 23 non-jōyō kanji [5]